Thank You for Your Submission!
Have a great day, from all of us at American Friends of Covent Garden.
Have a great day, from all of us at American Friends of Covent Garden.
- Equivalent to UK Individual Patron (tax-deductible contribution)
- Highest priority advance booking
- Highest level of priority for ordering four tickets per performance
- Personal ticket service by telephone or email through the Patron-box office at the Royal Opera House
- Priority in purchasing two tickets to every dress rehearsals
- Opportunity to purchase tickets in the R oyal Box and dinner in the adjacent Royal Retiring Room
- Invitation to meet artists management during your visit
- Invitation to special events with artists and management
- Listing of your name in the Season Guide
- Advance invitations for special events in New York City and London
Interested in supporting our efforts in advancing artistic achievements? Donate
American Friends of Covent Garden The Royal Opera, The Royal Ballet, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) organization that allows United States taxpayers to receive tax deductions for contributions to the extent allowed by the IRS.
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